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EUFF: Slovakia | The Line

  • Ottawa Art Gallery 50 Mackenzie King Bridge Ottawa, ON, K1N 0C5 Canada (map)

Peter Bebjak, 2017 | 108mins

This dark, stylish crime thriller that deals with the heavily secured outer-border of the European Union takes place in 2007, prior to Slovakia’s admittance in to the Schengen Area of the European Union. Adam, a burly and hardened criminal, acts as the head of a professional gang which smuggles illegal cigarettes into the EU. The operation is steady and profitable, but tensions escalate when Krull, a Ukrainian crime boss, desires to up the ante by smuggling stronger drugs across the border. Featuring a strong cast of characters highlighted by performances from Tomas Mastiler and Emilia Vasaryova, The Line was nominated for the Best Feature Award at the 2017 Chicago International Film Festival.

Presented with English subtitles.

Ce thriller sombre et stylé traite de la frontière extérieure hautement sécurisée de l’Union européenne. Le film prend place en 2007, avant l’admission de la Slovaquie dans l’espace Schengen de l’Union européenne. Adam, un criminel endurci et costaud, agit comme le chef d’un gang professionnel qui fait passer des cigarettes de contrebande dans l’UE. L’opération roule bien et est profitable, mais les tensions montent lorsque Krull, un patron du crime ukrainien, désire augmenter la mise en faisant passer des drogues plus fortes de l’autre côté de la frontière.

Earlier Event: 22 November
EUFF: Cyprus | Sunrise in Kimmeria
Later Event: 23 November
EUFF: Denmark | Walk With Me