2021 | 75 minutes
Jean-Louis Schuller
This moody drama of identity revolves around the troubled character of Luc, a divorced man and father of a seven-year-old girl. Luc is in the process of setting up his apartment so his daughter can live with him. On a whim, however, he suddenly decides to travel to faraway Svalbard, an archipelago near the North Pole, to rethink his life. After a drunken night, Luc stumbles upon Mike, a stranger who lives in an isolated cabin out in the Arctic desert. The two men start talking, but the enigmatic Mike leaves Luc in mid-conversation. Intrigued, Luc goes searching for him. Along the way, he meets Ingrid, a charming Norwegian teacher. After missing his flight home, Luc resolves to stay with Ingrid and to start a new life on the island. But he is haunted by the encounter with the elusive Mike. As the mystery deepens, Luc seems to be hunting a shadow, possibly his own.