Patricia: The Return from the Dream

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Patricia: The Return from the Dream (Patricia: El Regreso del Sueño)
Tuesday, May 22 at 7pm - Ottawa Art Gallery

Dominican Republic - 2017 - 108 minutes - dir. René Fortunato

Spanish with English subtitles

Living in New York, emigré Juan Carlos decides to return to his country, the Dominican Republic, to get married to his longtime girlfriend. Trouble is, when he arrives back in his hometown he’s in for a big surprise: his fiancée of many years is already married and pregnant! In this new and unexpected situation, Juan Carlos decides to hit the road and travel around the countryside. So begins a journey of discovery, seeing aspects of his homeland that he had long forgotten. Sunk into despair and broken-hearted, his world changes when he meets Patricia, someone who will change his life – for better and maybe for worse, too. An engaging, winning romantic comedy with a difference, PATRICIA is the Dominican Republic’s official entry to the Foreign Film Language category at the 75th edition of the Golden Globe awards.

General Admission: $13 (HST incl)

CFI Members/Students/Seniors: $9 (HST incl)